Extreme anxiety In ancient times people were living a simple life. Their necessities were limited. So they remained tension and anxiety-free. Nowadays we are living a modern lifestyle. The list of our necessities is very large.  Every person remains under tension, stress, and anxiety. Anxiety, stress, and tension is a part of our daily life. Anxiety to complete a work or assignment makes us progressive. But when it remains for long period, it disturbs our daily routine life work. Then it becomes alarming and needs proper medication, psychotherapy, yoga, daily exercise, morning walk, and change in food habits. In the coming block, we are discussing these points.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal part of life and everyone has to experience it from time to time. It may be a challenge full or maybe overwhelming or out of control.

When anxiety is severe or out of proportion with the actual threat, it may become a sign of mental health problem. Extreme anxiety may be a sign of a number of various anxiety disorders.

What is extreme anxiety?

There is no clinical term in the name of extreme anxiety. Only people or sufferers can describe the subjective experience of severe anxiety disorder. Experience of anxiety can be different in every person. Some people describe the symptoms that something is moving in their stomach while others say pain in the stomach.

Due to anxiety disorder, a person feels difficulty performing his daily routine work smoothly such as difficulty working at the workplace, a study in school, relationships with friends and relatives. And in any circumstances he has to face the above problem frequently, it may be called extreme anxiety.   

Difference between normal anxiety and  Anxiety  Disorders

Normal anxiety is not bad, it helps you to prepare yourself for the situations to have arrived, such as before the starting of the examination, students feel anxiety, How will be the paper, how to prepare. So This anxiety makes them alert.  We may call it temporary anxiety or normal anxiety. At the time of marriage of son or daughter, their parents feel anxiety by thinking about how to complete the various works related to marriage. But these are temporary anxiety and go away with the passing of time.

On the other hand, due to various reasons anxiety remain to continue for a longer period. It may disturb the day-to-day working of individual or social life. It can create severe distress that may cause to avoid the work that is likely to trigger feelings of anxiety. The patient isolated himself from social life. It is called extreme anxiety.

What is the sign of anxiety disorder?

If the feeling of anxiety is severe, intense, and impacts the life of any person, it may be called anxiety disorder. Only a doctor specialist in the respective field can diagnose an anxiety disorder.

However, some symptoms of anxiety disorder are as under

  • Cardiac symptoms In anxiety patients feel an increase in heart rate, increased breathing rate, trembling, feels shivering, sweating, and shortness of breath.
  • Irrational fear or worry about different situations.
  • Feels extreme fear and anxiety.
  • Avoiding the source of fear or only enduring it with great anxiety.
  • Withdrawn from social activity or isolated from friends and family.
  • Remain irritate or agitate.
  • Feels trouble in sleeping.
  • Gastric and digestive problems.
  • Always remain uneasy or worried.
  • Unable to remain concentrate on a specific work.
  • Unable to perform daily activity.
  • Feeling of suicide.
  • In extreme anxiety he can do panic attack.
  • In addition to the above patient may feel rapid heart rate, nausea, trembling,  choking sensation,  feeling of losing control, going crazy, or dying.

How many types are extreme anxiety?

There are many types of anxiety disorders. It can be determined by a medical specialist of the respective field after examining the physical, history of the patient, family history, and so many other short questions to evaluate the condition, symptoms of the patient.

1. Generalized anxiety disorder

It is due to feelings of excessive worry about a number of events, activities, and situations accompanied by a variety of other symptoms such as restlessness, trouble in concentration, fatigue, feeling irritation, muscle pain. Muscle tension and disturbance in sleep.

2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

It is due to recurrent thoughts, compulsive repetitive behavior. People remain busy in repetitive behaviors that give them temporary relief from feelings of anxiety that occur due to obsessive thoughts.

3. Panic disorder

Panic anxiety disorder is marked by intense and recurrent panic attacks that occur unexpectedly. During a panic attack, the patient experiences extreme anxiety that causes a feeling of terror and fear. The patient feels that due to an unknown cause he will die.

4. Post traumatic stress disorder

PTSD patients experience extreme anxiety and distress due to being exposed to a traumatic event. It is due to the running of flashbacks and intrusive memories of the trauma.

5. Social anxiety disorder

In this type of anxiety, the patient feels extreme anxiety in social situations. People suffering from this type of anxiety disorder try to avoid social settings or social gatherings which negatively affect their affect ability to function in relationship work and school.

Contact professional of the concerned field

Anxiety is one of the most common types of mental health conditions. According to the National Institute of Mental  Health, 19.1%  of adults in the United States experience an anxiety disorder each year. Anxiety disorders are more prevalent in women than men.


If anxiety makes it difficult to perform daily routine work and creates distress in your life, it is necessary to get the help of a psychiatrist. Because it will not go away itself. Specialist doctor after doing the proper examination, conversation with the patient prescribe medicines.


In addition to medication, psychotherapy also plays an important role in the recovery of patients. It should be taken from a specialist in the respective field.  

Morning walk, Yoga and exercise

Yogasan is also playing a vital role to make a person tension-free.  We must do yoga san approximately one hour daily and also a one hour morning walk.  It will help us to remain tense and stress-free.

Food habit

We must avoid fast food.  Because fast food is very dangerous for our health.  We must consume whole grain, fruits, and green leafy vegetables. Our food must be full of nutrition.  Food must be low calorie, rich in protein, low fat, low carbohydrates, rich in fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables.

Frequently Asked Question About extreme anxiety

Q. What are the 5 symptoms of anxiety?

Ans. 5 symptoms of anxiety disorders are,
• Feeling nervous, and tense.
• Increase in heart rate.
• Breathing rapidly.
• Sweating.
• Trembling
• Feeling weak and tired.

Q. What causes anxiety?

Ans. Due to long-term anxiety and panic attacks, our brain starts to release stress hormones on a regular basis and increase the frequency of symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and depression.

Q. Can anxiety be cured?

Ans. Anxiety is not curable but taking proper treatment, medication, psychotherapy, yoga, exercise, morning walk and change in food habits makes it possible to keep anxiety under control.

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