Old Age Come Early, The human body is made of many trillion cells, which are made of protein. Out of which thousands of cells destroyed or damaged during the process of different work done by us during day time. The system of our body rebuilds the same by using proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals as required.
So it is necessary to consume nutritious food which contains the proper amount of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and liquid.
To perform daily activities we need strength, which we get from carbohydrates and fats. During the process of daily activity, our cells are damaged, which are replaced and rebuilt by protein. So a high amount of Carbohydrates, fat, and protein are required. Vitamins and minerals prevent us from various diseases. Vitamins and minerals are required in small quantities.
Fiber, another component, is also essential that regulate the activity or function of our digestive system by pushing undigested food (stool) out of our body. 70% of our body weight is water. It is present in each and every cell of our body and keeps the same lubricate with the help of blood. Water plays an important role to maintain our body temperature, transports carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals to each and every part of our body.
To remain healthy and fit, we must consume nutritious food such as whole bread, green leafy vegetable, fruits, milk, curd, etc. Morning walks, yoga, exercise are also necessary for healthy and ailment-free life.
Old age comes early because of these 10 reasons
Old Age Come Early, As people grow older- their body’s internal processes –from skin cells turn over to work out recovery – slow down and take more time to recover. Resulting thereof signs of aging such as wrinkles and fatigue occur. Mostly these signs occur in old age. But in many cases, these signs or changes are seen very early to old age and are called premature aging.
In such cases, it is not possible to stop the sign of premature aging but we can reduce the same by doing certain acts.
What is the sign of premature aging?
The aging process differs from man to man. But there are certain signs of aging that are considered premature if we notice them before we turn 40.
1. Sunspots
These are also called age spots and spots. These are flat spots that occur on your skin due to years of sun exposure. These spots occur on the face, hand, and forearms. Mostly these spots tend to appear after the age of 40 but in some cases, they may occur prior to that. Tanning beds and exposure to the sun penetrate the skin with ultraviolet rays. These rays damage the DNA in skin cells, which causes wrinkles.
2. Inflammation and hyperpigmentation along chest
In many cases, as people grow old patchy discoloration occurs on the chest. It is only due to damage of respective cells due to sun exposure or there may be other reasons such as eczema or other skin conditions that damage the melanin cell of the respective area of skin.
3. Gaunt hands
Over a period of time, the top layer of our skin becomes thinner and contains fewer proteins cells, such as collagen, that play an important role to give proper shape 5 to our skin. Due to this reason, our hands appear veiny, thin, and prone to wrinkles. Mostly this change occurs after the age of 50s.
4. Wrinkles or sagging
Our skin produces collagen, a specific type of protein that gives shape to skin and bounces back and plump but after the age of 35s skin reduces the production of collagen which causes wrinkles and sagging. The age to occur wrinkle varies from person to person. Dry itchy or thinning skin is more susceptible to dehydration. About the age of 50s, your skin may become dryer and more prone to flaking.
5. Hair loss
Hair loss started due to the death of stem cells, which is responsible to trigger new hair growth. The death of stem cells depends on hormone changes, environmental factors, genetics, and diet. Age of hair loss varies in men and women. Approximately 40% of women get hair loss from the age of 65 onward and in the case of men, 50% see their hair loss after the age of 50?.
6. Smoking and Environment
Environmental pollutants are responsible to trigger pigment spots and wrinkles. We are residing in a polluted environment, toxins present in the environment affect our skin badly. smoking is very injurious to health wrinkles and other sign of premature aging.
7. Genes
In rare cases, genetic conditions are responsible for early aging in childhood. It is called progeria.
Werner syndrome affects 1 person in 1 million people. It causes wrinkled skin, grey hair, and balding to develop between 14 to 30 years of age.
Hutchinson Gilford syndrome is another very rare condition, that involves 1 baby out of 8 million babies. Children suffering from this syndrome do not grow quickly in comparison to their age group children.
8. Stress and Sleep habits
During sleeping hour our body detoxifies, refresh, and regenerate cells. If we do not get proper sleep, it will slow down the detoxification process, affect the generation of regeneration cells causing the appearance of the aging syndrome. Stressful life also caused aging. Stress hormones and inflammation can age your body.
9. Diet
Consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates causes skin damage. We must avoid the intake of excess carbohydrates. We must consume nutritious food containing the proper amount of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and drink an adequate amount of liquid to hydrate our body.
10. Avoid the drinking of excess Caffeine and alcohol
Drinking excess alcohol and caffeine dehydrate your body which leads the skin to sag, wrinkle, and lose its shape. So we should avoid drinking excess caffeine and alcohol.
What can you do to reduce the growth of early old age symptoms?
Sunspots and Inflammation and hyperpigmentation.
Old Age Come Early, Many creams are available in the market, which can reduce the growth of sunspots and Inflammation and hyperpigmentation. You can use the same with the advice of a skin specialist. And also avoid unnecessary outgoing movements during the daytime. And take the below-mentioned age spot treatment
- Medication cream contains hydroquinone, retinoid, and mild steroids may gradually fade the spots over several months of use.
- Cosmetic procedure such as Laser and intense pulsed light also help reduce sunspots.
- Freezing and cryotherapy are also useful.
- Chemical peel Apply cold cream or vanishing cream on your face. Wash your face before going to bed.
- You can use Aloevera, licorice extract, green tea.
If the skin is dry,flaky,and itchy
When your skin is dry, flaky, and itchy, get the advice of a skin specialist. Drink more water, take bath with lukewarm water. Use a moisturizer, take a massage of mustard oil or coconut oil.
If your skin has wrinkles or sagging skin
Use sunscreen before going to market. To limit sun exposure, wear cap and loose clothes that cover your limbs.
If you smoke, quit the same immediately and prevent further skin damage.
If you are suffering from hair loss
If your hair is falling and growing thin. Use conditioner and shampoo. Take a nutritious and balanced diet containing an adequate amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
In addition to the above perform exercise daily, yoga, stress exercise, morning walk approximately 10000 steps daily. Drink daily approximately 10 glasses of water, eat leafy green vegetables and fruits. Avoid the intake of sugar and fats. Take proper sleep of 7 hours daily. So by using the aforesaid steps, you will definitely stop the early old age symptoms.
Frequently Asked Question About Old Age Come Early
Q. What causes skin discoloration in elderly people?
Ans. The most common cause of aging skin is senile purpura. In old age, skin becomes thin and delicate. Exposure to ultraviolet rays weakens the connective tissues that hold blood vessels in their place.
Q. How will you get rid of crepey hands?
Ans. Take the advice of a skin specialist. Apply retinoids cream on the affected area. You can take laser treatment. Apply body lotion, apply coconut oil or glycerin. Drink 10 glasses of water daily. Take a balanced nutritious diet that contains proper vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants. Do daily morning walks, exercise, and do yoga. Remain stress-free.
Q. What is the best home remedy for crepey skin?
Ans. 1. Massaging the face, arms, and leg daily.
2. Perform daily physical exercise.
3. Go on a morning walk daily approximately 10,000 steps.
4. Reduce stress, perform yoga activities daily.
5. prepare moisturizer by mixing mud and honey and apply the same on the affected area of your skin.
Q. Whether Vaseline is good for crepey skin?
Ans. Crepey skin occurs due to loss of hydration. Vaseline protects the barrier of the skin, prevents water loss, hydrates, and plumps thin skin. So Vaseline is good for crepey skin.
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