Health benefits of eating gold: Gold is a noble atom. It does not react with any other metal present in our body. It is soft and of yellow color metal, chemical symbol of “Au”. We use to wear ornaments made of gold since long ancient.
Gold is usually found in South Africa, Nevada, Alaska, the USA, Russia, Australia, and Canada.
- Significance of gold in Ayurveda
- Significance in Homoeopathic
- Gold is beneficial in Rheumatoid arthritis
- Improved the function of brain
- Boost immune function
- Best for a healthy heart
- Beneficial for females
- Treatment of sexual disorder
- Beneficial for skin
5 Properties of Gold
- Gold conducts heat and electricity well.
- Gold is ductile and it can be converted into the thinnest wire.
- Gold is highly reflective of heat and light.
- Gold is prized for its beauty.
- Gold is malleable, so it can be flattened into extremely thin sheets.
But the gold is edible and is being used as a bhasam in the Ayurvedic system of medicines. Some benefits and ways of use are as under
Is gold edible and can be used in food?
health benefits of eating gold, Yes, pure gold is edible and nowadays it is being used in many desserts, cakes, chocolates, sweets in the form of gold dust and gold leaf. Nowadays gold-covered chocolates are very popular in many countries of Europe and the United States of America. Gold flake supreme vodka and drinks are very popular in New York.
Health benefits of eating gold
1. Significance of gold in Ayurveda –Swarna Bhasma
Swarna Bhasma is being used as a therapeutic agent in Indian ayurvedic medicine for treating disorders such as Asthma, Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and various ailments of the nervous system. All the medicines prepared with the combination of gold are recommended to be consumed with honey, ghee, and milk.
- A report published in the International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and pharmacy in Feb 2012 clearly shows the following benefits of the intake of gold.
- Regulate hormonal imbalance.
- Improve symptoms of fatigue and weakness.
- Gastritis.
- Prevent cancer.
- Help to treat skin disorders such as eczema.
- It purifies the blood and brightens up the skin complexion.
- It can strengthen the uterus.
- Beneficial in chronic cough and asthma.
- Useful in typhoid fever.
- Boost immune system.
- Beneficial in gonorrhea.
- Useful in the infection of upper respiratory infection.
- Strengthen the bone, muscles, and joints.
- Best in post-menopausal symptoms in females.
- Used in certain types of chyavanprash.
2. Significance in Homoeopathic
There is a homeopathic medicine named ‘Aurum Metallicum’ that is made up of gold. It is beneficial in chronic headaches, migraines, throat pain, tonsillitis, burning pain in the stomach, depression, and anxiety, and in so many other diseases as per their symptoms as under
- Relieves pain and congestion in the head.
- Prevent ulceration in the gum.
- Give relief to stomach pain.
- Help to maintain regular heart palpitation.
- Relieve pain in joints.
- Help to reduce the anxiety and depression condition of the patient.
Medicine should not be taken without the advice of a doctor.
3. Gold is beneficial in Rheumatoid arthritis
health benefits of eating gold, Many Ayurvedic medicines, which are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, contain gold chemical salt. Swaran Bhasma is also a popular desi medicine that is used as an ingredient in the medicines of many types of disease.
An article from the Handbook on the toxicology of metals (Fourth edition, 2015), states that gold salt inhibits phagocytosis (cell eating) activities. Gold salt is being used to treat rheumatoid arthritis since the 1930s.
4. Improved the function of brain
In this context, an article was published in the International Journal of Neuroscience revealed that god has some amazing benefits to boost cognitive functions. Also, a review published in Biomed Pharmacother, concluded that gold nanoparticles are very effective in the prevention of CNS infection.
An article was also published in Nursing Times, that says that tiny nanoparticles of gold kill brain tumor cells of the brain, and gold releases certain electrons which damages cancer cells and also enhances the effect of chemotherapy drugs. Intake of gold prevents the development of cancer in the body and can boost memory function.
However further research regarding the use of gold nanoparticles in various brain conditions is in progress.
5. Boost immune function
Gold nanoparticles affect human B lymphocytes and immune cells, which are responsible for the production of antibodies. In this context, a research article was also published in ‘Immunological properties of gold nanoparticles’ clearly shows that gold particles can boost the immune system.
6. Best for a healthy heart
Gold is rich in anti-oxidant properties and boosts heart health. A little amount of gold can remove the accumulated plaque in the blood vessels. However, there is not much evidence in support of it. So take it only under medical advice.
7. Beneficial for females
Women are wearing gold jewelry, especially in India. The nanoparticles of gold keep releasing on the skin surface causes beneficial effects on the body of female as below
- Regulate body temperature.
- Help in wound healing.
- It maintains the aura clean.
- Prevent the growth of viruses or bacteria on the skin surface.
- Boost the endocrine system.
It can regulate hormones in females. A research article published by the Narayana Institute of Medical Science revealed that gold has some benefits to boost the function of the ova and fertilization process. But it is necessary to consume gold ash in low quantity and under the supervision of a doctor. Consumption of a large amount of gold by females or males may lead to toxic effects.
8. Treatment of the sexual disorder
There are many supplements available in the market which claim to boost sexual function related to premature ejaculation. It can also boost sperm activity.
In Ayurveda, it is being used to boost sexual function since ancient times. In ancient times kings and emperors used utensils made of gold to eat and drink water in gold utensils which help to prevent sexual issues. It also boos stamina and relieves fatigue.
9. Beneficial for skin
If we consume gold in a little amount it will glow our skin, purify the blood by removing toxins. Gold facial and gold-infused skincare products are popular in India. Gold facial have benefits as under
- stop wrinkles.
- Stimulate skin cell repair.
- Prevent pigmentation.
- Lighten skin complexion.
- Enhance collagen production in the skin.
- Treat inflammation and allergy.
- Improve blood circulation and glow to the skin.
- Treat dead skin due to the rays of the sun.
Can a female consume gold during pregnancy?
No, females can not consume gold during pregnancy as well as breastfeeding, it may cause bad effects on the fetus or baby.
How should people consume gold and in how much amount?
Gold is a heavy metal, if intake or consumption excess amount it will cause toxic effect on our body. So it should be taken strictly in low quantity under the supervision of a doctor. However, we can keep water in the utensil of gold over the night and drink the same next morning. It will definitely boost our immune system slowly.
What is the side effect of eating gold?
Due to the consumption of gold not many side effects have been reported to date. But excess of everything is bad. It is necessary that before taking the gold ash or flap we should take the advice of an expert doctor, regarding the amount of gold.
Frequently Asked Question About health benefits of eating Gold
Q. Can a female consume gold during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Ans. No, females can not consume gold during pregnancy as well as breastfeeding, it may cause bad effects on the fetus or baby.
Q. Whether gold is healthy for the body?
Ans. Yes, the consumption of gold boost our immune system, increase the glow of our skin, destroy cancer cell. So gold is healthy for the human body. But it must be taken in small amount as per the advice of an expert doctor or vaid.
Q. what is edible gold made of?
Ans. Edible gold is pure gold.
Q. is edible gold real gold?
Ans. Edible gold is real and pure gold. However, it is required to be treated as per the procedure mentioned in Ayurved books. Only thereafter we can consume it in less quantity under the supervision and advice of an expert doctor.
Q. Does edible gold taste good?
Ans. There is no taste of edible gold or Swarna bhasma . It does not have texture. It is very fine and does not choke anyone.
Q. Why do people eat gold?
Ans. Swaran Bhasma is made of pure gold. People consume it as per the advice of vaidya for the treatment of various diseases such as skin trouble, sex debility, boosting the immune system, increasing eyesight or so many other ailments.
Q. Is gold toxic to humans?
Ans. :- No, consumption of gold bhasam in low quantity under the advice of vaidya does not give any harm or toxic effect. But taken in high amount leads to toxic effect.
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