Animal milk for human consumption, Milk is a high nutrients rich liquid food produced by the mammary glands of different animals.  It is the main source of nutrients and food for young mammals. And also essential for breastfed human infants before they are able to digest solid food. Amount of nutrients available in 100 grams milk.*

S. NO.NameNutrients*% Daily Value*
2Total fat1 gm1 %
3Saturated fat0.6gm3%
7Total carbohydrates5 gm1%
8sugar5 gm
* it is approx value

Let us discuss milk and dairy products of  animals whose  milk is consumed and their benefits

  • Cow milk.
  • Buffalo milk.
  • Goat milk.
  • Sheep milk.
  • Camel milk.
  • Donkey milk.
  • Horse or mare’s milk.

7 different animal milk

1. Cow Milk

Animal milk for human consumption, Cow milk is also full of nutrients and is best for infants as well as older persons.  200 ml cow milk contains 3.25 %  fat, caloriesn149, protein 7.7 gm,  Carbohydrate 11.7 gm, and a good source of vitamin D and calcium.

A study report published in the journal of the American college of research, that cow milk contains some unique nutrients which are best for humans. As per Ayurveda cow milk is best for human beings. It is well packed with nutrients such as Amino Acids,  calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Cow milk contains vitamin B12, which boosts brain function and also helps the brain development of children. Cow milk is easily digestible and helps to increase the weight of those people who are weak and needs weight gain.

Cow milk is best for pregnant women as its nutrients contents are good for the fetus or baby’s development.

We can prepare butter, ghee, curd, cheese, yogurt, and so many other dairy products from cow milk.

2. Buffalo Milk

Buffalo milk is full of nutrients such as protein, calcium, and minerals.

225 ml of buffalo milk contains 237 calories, 83 % water, 12 gm carbohydrate, 9 gm protein, and 17 gm fat. 

It is rich in calcium, contains 89 % casein protein which makes it good for bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the female after menopause.  It helps to reduce high blood pressure and is also beneficial to the heart.

There are many breeds of buffalo in the world such as Surti, Murrah, kundi, etc.  Buffalo milk contains a high amount of fat.  So it can be used to prepare ghee, butter, khoya, paneer,  Curd, etc.

3. Goat Milk

Animal milk for human consumption, Goat milk is widely used in The United States of America. Goat milk contains 170 calories, protein 9 gm, fat 10 gm,  carbohydrates 11 gm, lactose 11 gm, and calcium 330 gm.

A study published in Dairy science in March 2002,  concluded that consumption of goat milk increases the absorption of essential nutrients from the food by 50 %.

Goat milk contains less amount of lactose than cows or buffalos milk. Thus it is tolerable by those people who are sensitive to lactose.

Goat milk contains oligosaccharides,  which work as pre-biotics in the gut and encourage the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Goat milk is used to prepare goat cheese, goat curd,  goat butter,  goat milk powder, etc.

4. Sheep Milk

Animal milk for human consumption, The other name of sheep milk is ewe’s milk.  It is more nutritious than cow or buffalo milk.  It is rich in carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and essential nutrients. Sheep milk contains protein, iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, vitamin B 6 and B 12, Vitamin  A, Vitamin E,  vitamin D, riboflavin. It is full of antioxidants, boosts the immune system, and helps remove toxins from the body. Being high antioxidants properties reduce cell damage and also enhance the cell repair process.

Sheep milk contains peptides, which can fight against allergies. So sheep milk is generally recommended to people suffering from allergies, asthma, or eczema. However further research is needed on its action on allergies. Sheep milk is generally drunk in China, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Syria, Romania, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, and Italy.  China is the topmost producer of sheep milk.

5. Camel Milk

Animal milk for human consumption, Camel milk is also nutritious, contains various vitamins and minerals, protein, carbs, calories.  It is mostly consumed in Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Kenya, Niger, Mali, and Ethiopia.

120 ml of camel milk contains, 50 calories, 3gm protein, 3 gm fat, 2 gm carb., 16% calcium, 29% thiamine, 6% potassium, 6% phosphorus, 8% Riboflavin, and 5 % vitamin C. 

Camel milk contains low lactose than cow and goat’s milk. Thus a person suffering from lactose intolerance can consume it.

It has properties to treat diarrhea of rotavirus.  It contains some insulin-like protein, which has anti-diabetic action.  So it is beneficial in type 1 and types 2 diabetes.

6. Donkey Milk

Animal milk for human consumption,100 ml donkey milk contains 24 calories, 3 gm carbs, 1 ½%  daily value cholesterol, 1gm protein, 1gm fat, 23% vitamin D,  3 ½% DV calcium, 1% DV Riboflavin.

It is usually consumed in  Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Belgium, Portugal, and Greece. China is at the top of the list of producers of donkey milk. The properties of donkey milk are similar to human breast milk. It is beneficial in whooping cough and arthritis. It contains 5 times more protein than other animals’ milk. It boosts the immune system of children. It contains Nitric Oxide which has properties to reduce blood pressure.

7. Horse or Mare’s Milk

It is known as mare’s milk.  It is commonly used in the Netherlands, Europe, France, and Belgium.

It contains highly rich nutrients.  Vitamin A, Vitamin. B, Vitamin. C and Vitamin E are highest in horse milk in comparison to other animals. It is ideal for people who want to lose fat, due to its fewer calories. It is easily digested able of all ages people.  It stimulates the liver and helps to eliminate toxins. It also boosts stamina.

Frequently Asked Question About Animal milk for human consumption

Q. What nutrients are in milk?

Ans. The major compositions of milk are water, fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to the above, there are many micronutrients are available in milk such as vitamins, essential amino acids, and trace minerals. More than 250 chemical compounds are available in milk. So milk is a very nutritious and healthy food for human beings.

Q. Why milk is bad for human beings?

Ans. Milk and all other dairy products are full of saturated fat, which contributes to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease. The study reveals that dairy products are linked to increased risk of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

Q. Is cow or buffalo milk pus?

Ans. No, regular milk does not contain pus or blood. Pus and blood may be present in the milk of animals only when the cow or buffalo’s udder is infected with bacteria. In such cases, the milk of infected animals is discarded by the farmer and destroyed.

Q. Do human needs milk or is the cow’s milk essential for proper health?

Ans. No, dairy products are not a nutritional requirement for humans. However, it is essential for breastfeeding infants. As far as other than infants are concerned, they can get all the nutrients by eating many other foods, that are full of nutrients.

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