8 Home Remedies for Dry Skin: There are many reasons which make our skin dry.   It may be due to any serious infection.  But in most cases, it is due to environmental factors that remove moisture from the skin, such as, heat, hot showers,  arid climates, and harsh soaps that are responsible for dry skin.

There are many items which we use in our daily life, are beneficial to restore moisture.

1.Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil contains emollient properties, that can fill the spaces between skin cells, and make the surface smooth.

Coconut oil is friendly oil. It can be used daily on each and every part of the body. Even you may use it underneath of eyes, over the mouth. It can be used without mixing any other substance. It is skin-friendly and harmless.

2.Petroleum jelly

8 Home Remedies for Dry Skin, Petroleum jelly is mineral oil.  It can heal skin in older adults.  It covers the skin in a protective layer. And traps moisture underneath.  It helps heal dry irritated skin patches. You can also use it on every part of your body in the winter season.

3.Oatmeal baths

Oatmeal is very beneficial for irritated skin.  It is being used since long ago.  Our grandmother was using it for the betterment of the skin.  Colloidal oatmeal has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritation and make the skin smooth. It gives relief in itching.  Oatmeal baths protect your skin from infection and moisturize the same.

First of all with the help of a food processor grind oatmeal into fine powder.  Mix the same in warm water and stir. Thereafter apply its layer all over your body. Wash with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.

4.Antioxidants and omega-3s

When our skin is dry then the bad elements damages cells of our skin faster than the repair done by our body. There are some foods that contain antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids that are beneficial and make the skin healthy and maintain its glow, such as, blueberries, tomatoes, carrots, beans, and peas, etc.


We do all our work with the help of our hands. So hands always remain in contact with environmental irritants, such as dish soap and detergent.

When you work in water after wearing the gloves, your hand will get a lot of abuse, which makes your hand dry.  And may cut down your dry and irritant skin.  Thus avoid the use of gloves and use coconut oil or petroleum jelly.

6.Shower temperature

Use of a hot shower may cause your skin to dry, scald, and be damaged. Thus we must adjust our shower to a level of lukewarm water.  And some bath soap that claims it will moisturize and repair the skin can cause an allergic reaction and make the skin rough and thin.  Thus we must take a shower of lukewarm water for a short period and use Vaseline soap.

7.Use a humidifier

A humidifier is beneficial and prevents the risk of dryness.  Gas and electric heaters strip moisture from the air.  Humidifiers help us to reduce the risk of dryness by 60 %.  And prevent our skin from the bad effect of dryness.

8.Avoid allergens and irritants

Sometimes our skin becomes dry suddenly, it may be due to the clothes we wear. So we must leave such clothes immediately.  Some time heat of the fireplace, working with treated water may cause irritate your skin.  So we must leave all such work that makes our skin dry and rough and massage coconut oil on the same.


Prevention is better than cure. We must keep our skin healthy,  keep the same protected from bacteria and viruses. Infection may cause itching.  As soon as you feel itching, use moisturizer immediately.  Prevent the outbreak of skin immediately.

Always wear loose-fitting cotton clothes that draw sweat in the condition of high heat and make your skin prevent dryness. Always use coconut oil and petroleum jelly. In this way, you can prevent your skin to become dry and rough.

Frequently Asked Question About 8 Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Q. What can I do for dry skin?

Ans. Use a moisturizer, lukewarm water bath, avoid harsh and drying soap,  use humidifier, etc can help to protect from dry skin.

Q. What helps dry skin naturally?

Ans. Use olive oil, Make natural olive oil and sugar scrub, apply coconut oil before going to bed.

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