Benefits of chanting mantra for anxiety: A mantra is a sort of meditation employing a sound either of words or phrases. These mantras are available in our ancient religious books Vedas. If we do sandhi vichchhed of mantra, it’ll be read as man +tra,” man” means “mind” and ‘tra’ means ‘release’. once we repeat a selected word, again and again, it’ll work as a tool to assist release our mind.
What is mantra
A mantra is a form of meditation using a sound either of words or phrases. These mantras are available in our ancient religious books Vedas. We can recite mantras either silently or aloud and also in the combination of breath and rhythm. The recital of mantra meditation makes slows down thoughts, improves mental clarity and peace of mind.
If we do sandhi vichchhed of mantra, it will be read as man +tra,” man” means “mind” and ‘tra’ means ‘release’. When we repeat a specific word, again and again, it will work as a tool to help release our mind. Mantra boosts awareness and improves concentration. Since it helps to stay focused on a specific point, it will give improved results from meditation.
Scientific benefits of mantra meditation are that it reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and chanting of mantra improve attention, enhance positive mood, the foster feeling of social cohesion.
The chanting of the mantra creates thought-energy waves, and the organism vibrates in tune with the energy and spiritual appeal of a chant.
The origins of mantras
The earliest mantras were composed about 3500 years ago in Vedic Sanskrit, in India. At its simplest, the word ‘Om’ ( Aum) is recited as a mantra, being the first sound of mantra on the earth.
When we recited the ‘Aum or Om’ word it creates a reverberation in the body which makes or creates calm in our body.
In the more sophisticated forms, mantras are melodic phrases with spiritual interpretations such as human longing for truth, reality, light, peace, love, knowledge, action, etc.
Benefits of mantras
You can do meditation as you wish.
As you desire you may do mantra meditation or in any other style. You will definitely acquire the same benefits, including,
- It will increase self-awareness.
- It will reduce stress.
- It will create a greater sense of calm.
- It will self-compassion.
- A more positive outlook will develop.
Increased focus on a specific point
Meditation is not an easy activity. It requires repeated practice, to put a break on wandering thoughts.
Changes in Brain due to meditation
Mantra meditation improves brain health.
When we do mantra meditation approximately ten to fifteen minutes daily for a longer period, it will definitely increase cerebral blood flow and cognitive function. These brain changes lead to,
- Improve mood and well-being.
- It will reduce anxiety.
- Feel less fatigue.
- Improve memory.
- Relax in brain waves.
- Slow cognitive decline.
It helps to control over breath
In meditation when we repeat the same word in the same rhyme for a longer period, it will naturally help us to develop natural breathing and we will feel more relaxed at the same time.
Select a mantra for meditation
There are many types of Mantras. We can choose as per our requirements and interest.
Some people choose Om or Aum as a meditation mantra. This short mantra contains a lot of power, though. It is considered that this syllable is the sound of the universe. If you want to obtain the complete benefit of this mantra, chant this mantra in the morning time 108 times daily.
Further, there are some other mantras are as under,
- Deity mantras.
- Healing mantras.
- Chakra mantras.
1. Mantra for the relaxation of anxiety
The chanting of the word “Om” or “Aum” is very useful for the person’s anxiety. It has been proved that Om is the primordial sound of the universe. This word gives calm and peace to a stressed mind. The sound of Om allows the mind to cut through any sense of overwhelm by deepening the breath. Moreover, the sound of Om reverberates in many areas of our body such as the stomach, chest, and skull.
2. Maha Mritunjaya Mantra for restlessness
This mantra belongs to Lord Shiva. It is the most powerful mantra for restlessness, anxiety, overwhelming, various disease. If we do meditation with this mantra it will give calmness to our mind and boost our willpower. If you want to obtain the complete benefit of this mantra, chant this mantra in the morning time 108 times daily silently.
“Om trayambakam yaja meh sugandhim pushtivardhnam, urvaruk miv vandhnan mrityumokshiya mamratat”
3. Gayatri mantra
We must chant the Gaytri mantra daily to improve concentration and learning. This mantra gives calm to our minds helps to reduce anxiety and depression and also improves focusing and concentration. It is one of the oldest Vedic mantras. This mantra is mentioned in our religion books “Upanishad” and “Bhagwat Gita”. Gaytri Mantra was first recorded in Rig Veda in the Sanskrit language about 2500 to 3500 years back. If we chant this mantra daily it will decontaminate us.
If you want to obtain the complete benefit of this mantra, chant this mantra in the morning time 108 times daily. The Gayatri Mantra is as under,
“Om Bhoor Bhuveh swah Tat Saviturvarenium, bhargo devasya dhimhi, Dhiyo yoneh prachodyat”.
Read also
Frequently Asked Question about Benefits of chanting mantra for anxiety
Q. What are the scientific benefits of Gayatri Mantra?
Ans. Scientific benefits of Gayatri Mantra.
It gives calmness to our minds. Improve concentration in our mind and also increase learning ability. It helps us to improve our breathing system. It improves nerves function, keeps away from depression anxiety, stress. We must chant it silently to obtain the benefits of Mantra Meditation.
Q. What are the benefits of the Maha Mritunjaya mantra?
Ans. The Mahamritunjya mantra restores health, happiness, mental calmness, overcome obstacles. Improves the brain’s ability to concentrate on a specific point. We must chant it silently to obtain the benefits of Mantra Meditation.
Q. What happens during mantra meditation?
Ans. During the period of mantra meditation, our mind releases positive energy and decreases negative thoughts or anxiety. It makes our minds calm full. Thus decreasing anxiety, depression, and tension.
Q. Which is the most powerful mantra?
Ans. The Gayatri mantra is the most powerful mantra for mantra meditation purposes. It improves nerves function, keeps away from depression anxiety, stress. We must chant it silently to obtain the benefits of Mantra Meditation.
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