
What Is Dementia: Dementia is a serious mental problem that occurs due to brain disease or injury and affects the ability to think, remember and behave normally. In other words, it is a loss of cognitive functioning – thinking, remembering and reasoning and behavioral that is abilities to such extent that they interfere in the daily life and activities of a person. It is not a specific disease but it is due to several other diseases.

It generally involves memory loss, which has different causes. However, if the patient is suffering from memory loss, it does not mean that he has dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the common cause of this disease in older adults.

What Is Dementia Symptoms

  • Memory loss noticed by spouse or someone.
  • Trouble in talking.
  • Difficulty in thinking and reasoning.
  • Difficulty in handling complex tasks.
  • Unable to plan and organize.
  • Difficulty in coordination or motor functioning.

Psychological changes

  • Change in personality.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Agitation.
  • Inappropriate behavior.


It is due to the loss of nerve cells and their connection to the brain.   And also severity depends on the area affected by the damage.  It is often grouped by what they have in common, such as protein or protein deposited in the brain or the specific part of the brain that is affected. There is some disease which looks like it, actually, they are due to reaction of certain medicines or due to vitamin deficiency.

Progressive dementia

  • Alzheimer’s disease: It is the most common cause of this ailment. It is due to plaques and tangles in the brain.  Plaques are clumps of a protein called beta-amyloid, and tangles are fibrous tangles made up of tau.  It seems that these clumps damage healthy neurons and the fibers connecting them.
  • Vascular dementia: It is due to damage to the vessels which supply blood to the brain.  Blood vessel problems cause a stroke or damage to the brain.  Difficulty in problem-solving, slow thinking, etc.
  • Lewy body dementia: It is an abnormal balloon-like clump of protein that is found in the brain of people.  It is one of the most common types of disease.   Seeing things that are not present there.
  • Front temporal dementia: it is due to breakdown  (degeneration) of nerve cells and their connections in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, causes affect personality, thinking, language, etc.
  • Mixed dementia: It is found in older people of more than the age of 80. It is due to a combination of several causes such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular and Lewy body dementia.

Some types of conditions are due to infection and immune disorder, metabolic problems and endocrine abnormalities, nutritional deficiency, the side effects of the medicine.

Risk factor of dementia

The risk of this disease rises in the age of more than 65 years person. It is a normal part of aging but it can occur in young people also. Family history is also the most responsible cause of this trouble. Taking heavy alcohol, hypertension, diabetes, depression, vitamin deficiency, etc. is the main risk factor.


  • Keep your mind active.
  • One must do Physical exercise  and a morning walk
  • Quit Smoking.
  • Take enough vitamins.
  • Take a healthy diet and sound.

In addition to the above, proper medication under the supervision of a medical specialist is necessary.  After taking proper medicine patient will gradually recover from the illness.


Q. What is dementia?

Ans. It is due to damage in brain cells.  This damage interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other.  When the brain fails to communicate normally,  it affects the ability of thinking, behavior, and ability of feeling.

Q. What does dementia mean?

Ans. It is the loss of cognitive functioning.  It affects the ability of thinking, remembering, and reasoning, and behavioral abilities to such a level that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities.

Q. What foods are bad for dementia?

Ans. The Mind diet specifically limits red meat, butter, cheese, pastries, sweets, fried, fast food, and margarine,  Take red meat  3 serving a week, 10 gm butter daily, Avoid fast food and fried foods.

Q. Are egg bad for dementia?

Ans. Egg contains phosphatidylcholine, which is an essential nutrient that enhances cognitive performance and lowers the risk of incident dementia.

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