
“Difference Between Stress Anxiety And Depression: Stress can be defined as a change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come due to any event or thought that makes you frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand.

Anxiety is intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. It causes fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and feeling tired.

Depression is a mental health disorder having persistently depressed moods or loss of interest in activities causing impairment of daily life.

Cause of stress

Difference between Stress Anxiety and Depression and cause of stress anxiety depression

Chronic illness, injury, emotional problems,  chronic illness of elderly family members, natural disaster,  traumatic events, theft, rape, and so many other causes are responsible for stress. It may be remain continued for short period or may last up to 6-7 months.  In chronic stress changes the chemical in the brain which modulates cognition and mood including serotonin.

Cause of anxiety

Big events or a buildup of stress full life conditions may trigger anxiety. For example death in the family, work stress, financial problems are responsible for anxiety. Chemical imbalances such as neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid are linked to mood and anxiety disorder.

Cause of depression

The main cause of depression is physical, sexual abuse, lack of social support in old age,  due to intake of certain medicines, death or loss of some dear person, in women hormonal changes, divorce, loss of job, serious illness, etc are responsible for depression. Depression is due to an insufficient level of serotonin in the brain.

Difference Between Stress Anxiety And Depression

stress Anxiety and depression everybody feels these emotions at some time in life.  All the common reactions to life’s challenges, for losing someone due to divorce.  On the surface, they can look alike, but there are distinct differences.

Is it anxiety or depression?

 If anybody feels anxious or depressed for no clear reason he may have an anxiety disorder or depression, or both. It is not strange for someone to suffer from both conditions at the same time.   In fact, 50 % of the persons who are diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Both diseases are serious but treatable illnesses. The same medicines are required and used to ease the symptoms of each condition. And symptoms are also the same, like nervousness, irritability, insomnia but everyone has its own causes.

If a person has an anxiety disorder, he may experience fear, panic, constant worries, anxiousness, sudden panic without any clear reason. If remain untreated, it will reduce his ability to work, relationship, etc.

Depression: When anyone depressed, it affects everything of his life, feeling, behavior, etc. and he will feel one or more of these symptoms:

Discouragement, sadness, anger, hopelessness, lack of interest in life, insomnia, weakness, etc. If these feelings remain present for more than two weeks and interfere with daily day-to-day work and activities.

Stress: Stress and anxiety are similar but they are not the same. Stress is a response to daily pressure while anxiety is a reaction to stress. Uncaused anxiety disorders are difficult to treat. Stress affects a lot of people and influences health symptoms to include Headache, high blood pressure,  chest pain, heart palpitation, etc.  Stress typically goes away automatically as soon as stressors disappear.   However chronic stress can escalate into anxiety or depression.  So it is necessary to take steps to reduce stress whenever possible.

 In case it is not sure that the person is suffering from which type of illness, he may contact or consult an expert health provider for proper medication.  So that illness could not disturb daily life activities.


Physical activity, daily exercise, morning walk,  remain busy in daily activities,  meet to relatives and friends regularly,  take proper healthy diet, avoid fried items,  take green vegetables, fruits.  Take proper sleep of seven to eight hours daily from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM. And also take proper medication under the supervision of a medical specialist of the respective field.  In addition to the above psychotherapy under the supervision of a  trained psychologist is also help full for the gradual recovery of the patient.


Q. What causes anxiety?

Ans. Stress full life may trigger excessive anxiety.  It may be due to the death of any near and dear, due to work stress,  or any other financial problem.

Q.What are the 6  types of anxiety disorder?

Ans. Generalized anxiety disorder,  Social anxiety, specific phobia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Q. Can you have anxiety for no reason?

Ans. there are many reasons or causes of anxiety such as stress, genetic, traumatic events,  environment, brain chemistry. Anti-anxiety medicines can reduce the symptoms.  Even though people may experience some panic attacks. 

Q. What foods cause anxiety?

Ans. Eating a lot of processed foods, fried foods items, refined cereals, candy, pastries, etc caused anxiety and depression.

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