Depression is a general and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, think, and finally, take action. It is a treatable disease. It caused a feeling of unhappiness and loss of interest in such activities once you enjoyed delightfully.”

What Is Depression

It is a kind of mental disorder where the patient suffers from thoughts of immense sadness, feels of hopelessness, feels of self-guilt, and keeps isolated from society.  Though most people do not believe or accept these symptoms are thereof, and say it an illness.  A lot of peoples is suffering from this type of illness. 

In most cases, patient or their family members do not recognize these symptoms as a disease. It is a serious illness that affects productivity, it can break relationships and without proper treatment, it can get worse.  It may have a strong genetic component. Early childhood trauma, severe and chronic physical illness, and other several factors may cause it.

Our body is filled with numerous chemicals such as hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are natural chemicals that facilitate communication between nerve cells, include norepinephrine and serotonin. 

It is due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Chemical imbalances occur due to disease, injury, aging, chronic stress, and poor nutrition.  This chemical is responsible for the illness.

The presence of too many or too few chemicals in the brain leads to this trouble Neural pathways and associations influence decide which neurochemicals, and at what ‘strength’ pass through the synapse. Our neurochemistry is determined by our neural pathways and associations, not the other way around.  Medicine can change brain chemistry temporarily but it can not change neural pathways or associations. The effect of the medicine lasts within  4 to 6 hours or longer.

The permanent solution is to change neural pathways and associations. Repetition folks can change neural pathways and associations.  As soon as its changes,  our brain chemical automatically change. Then it turns into permanent change because you have practiced the new methods and concepts into the brain repetitiously, it creates new neural associations.  The denser these neural associations are, the more you have recovered from social anxiety and gradually become better and better.

What Is Depression Cause

Cause Of Clinical Depression

 People suffering from sorrow or crises, which makes them totally hopeless and makes them down to the deepest level. The victim avoids social activities and remains isolated while suffering from depression,(2) negativity, hopelessness, and self-guilt feelings.

Mostly It appears in all age groups and both genders.  Approximately 25 % of adults are suffering from this disease, out of which the ratio of women is double that of men.

Mainly the reasons for clinical depression  are as under

  • In women, It occurs during pregnancy or during the post-delivery period. The birth of a baby trigger emotions, excitement, anxiety, and fear of delivery pain.
  • Females during puberty, menstruation, and menopause due to hormonal changes. Some patient feels depression during menstrual period due to heavy pain and vomiting.
  • Family problems, domestic violence, personal issues are also responsible for depression. In some cases, family violence is very much responsible for depression in women.
  • Due to non-success in competition, financial crisis. Competition is one of the primary reasons for it. Performance problems, behavioral problems, inefficiency at work and so many other reasons are responsible for this disease.


  • Lack of interest in official as well as personal works.
  • Feeling of sorrow, restlessness in mind, and hopelessness.
  • Negative thoughts in mind.
  • Thoughts of self-harm. Thoughts of suicide and suicidal attempts.
  • Severe isolation and feel useless about self.
  • The patient feels tiredness and restlessness.


Maintaining a balance in these chemicals and hormones is necessary for a balanced mood.  A balanced diet, limited stress, and regular exercise have an important role.

  • Regular exercise.
  • Consume omega 3 fatty acid.
  • Take proper vitamin D.

The permanent solution is to change neural pathways and associations. Repetition folks can change neural pathways and associations. Clinical depression may not get better if not treated properly.

Psychotherapy and medication both are necessary under the supervision of a  medical specialist in their respective field, Medicines prescribed for depression are called antidepressants. It is classified into several subtypes depends on the list of predominant symptoms.

Antidepressant medicine helps to relax the mind, relieve anxiety as well as many other symptoms of mental illness. These medicine help in getting back the essential chemicals to the brain inappropriate level and solving the cause thereof.

Some patients are suffering from hallucinations. In such cases, the physician will prescribe anti-hallucinating medicines according to the condition and health of the patient as well as counseling with a psychotherapist.

ECT or Electroconvulsive Therapy is also useful for the patient of acute stage.

The counselor discusses the problems and feelings of the patient and tries to find out the problems and effective solutions accordingly. Psychotherapy and talk therapy enable the counselor to detect the problems faced by the patient and their solutions. 


Q. What is the meaning of depression?

Ans. It is a general and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, think, and finally, take action. It  caused a feeling of unhappiness and loss of interest in such activities once you enjoyed delightfully.

Q. What are the major causes thereof?

Ans. Major causes are physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, age-related, Death of near and dear, a side effect of certain medicines, genetic reasons,s, etc.

Q. What happens in the brain during it?

Ans. It triggers the influx of cortisol which causes the amygdale to enlarge.  This is a part of the brain-related emotional responses.  When it becomes larger and active, causes sleep disturbances, change in activity levels hormonal changes.

Q. What are the causes of depression?

Ans. There are many causes such as faulty mood regulation by the brain, stressful life events, medication, genetic vulnerability, and chemical imbalance in the brain.

Q. Does depression cause memory loss?

Ans. It is linked to memory problems, such as forgetfulness or confusion. Patient also feels difficulty focusing on work, tasks, activities, take decisions. Stress and anxiety caused poor memory. Thus it is associated with short-term memory loss.

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