function of esophagus in digestive system [2021]

The function of esophagus in digestive system, The human body is a priceless god gift. All the parts of our body play an important role.  Our body is incomplete in the absence of any small part.  So the human digestive system is also very important and plays an important role in the development of the immune system,  proper digestion of food, maintenance of every part of our body. As soon as we ingest food in our mouth.

Our teeth began to grind the same, salivary glands activate and start pouring saliva, tongue help mix saliva in-ground food. The gastric gland in our stomach and various chemical changes occur in our duodenum, small intestine, and large intestine. Our pancreas, liver, and gall bladder also play a vital role in the digestive system.

So I am discussing here the importance of the esophagus in the digestive process.

The entire alimentary canal is lined by a mucus membrane. From the lips to the end of the esophagus this is the stratified epithelium, from the stomach to the anal canal this lining is composed of the columnar cell, and the anal canal is also lined with stratified epithelium.  So in this way, our whole alimentary tract has been made protected by these linings.

So describe as under

Structure and function of the human digestive organ

The function of esophagus in digestive system, The human digestive system starts from our lips and ends at the anus.  It consists of mouth, teeth, grinding the food, tongue mix food with saliva, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, consisting of duodenum, jejunum, ileum and the large intestine consisting of the cecum, the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon and at the end rectum. Each and every part of our body plays its role efficiently. I am discussing here the importance of the esophagus in our digestive system.


The esophagus is a  muscular tube about 9 to 12 inches long, starting from the pharynx to the cardiac orifice of the stomach.  As we swallow food, it passes into the esophagus through the pharynx. The food passes through the esophagus by peristaltic action and reaches to stomach.

What is the function of the esophagus?

The function of esophagus in digestive system, The primary function of the esophagus is to carry food and liquid from your mouth to your stomach. Consequent upon ingestion,  food, and liquid moved from your mouth to the pharynx.  A small muscular flap, the epiglottis closes to prevent food and liquid from going down the wrong pipe ie. Windpipe. Another small flap called the uvula help prevent liquid from passing upward into the nasal cavity.

How does the esophagus work?

The function of esophagus in digestive system, On the upper part of the esophagus,  there is a ring-shaped muscle,  which is known as the upper esophageal sphincter. It activates as soon as any food or liquid comes toward it.  When it gets the signal, the sphincter relaxes and allows the food or liquid to enter the esophagus.  When there is no food or liquid insight, it remains closed.

As soon as food enters the esophagus, waves of muscular contraction push the food downward and reach the lower part of the esophagus. At the lower portion of the esophagus, there is another ring-shaped muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter, it senses when food and liquid are coming, and relaxes, and allows food or liquid to enter into the stomach.  When there is no food in the esophagus it remains closed to prevent the entry of stomach acid or digestive juice from the stomach.

Where is the esophagus located?

The esophagus is located in the center of the chest in the mediastinum, behind the windpipe. 

What is the difference between the trachea and the esophagus?

Both trachea (windpipe )  and esophagus are muscular tubes and are located within the neck.  But their functions are different. The trachea is a windpipe and a part of the respiratory system, whereas the esophagus is a part of the digestive system. The trachea passes air to the lungs and the esophagus passes food or liquid from mouth to stomach.

What problems can affect the esophagus?

The function of esophagus in digestive system, Acid reflux is the main problem, which occurs due to the opening of LES  (lower esophageal sphincter) when it is not required.  And allowed the entry of stomach acid and digestive juice into the esophagus. That causes inflammation and heartburn, cough,  hoarseness, bad breathe,  and trouble swallowing, Achalasia, esophageal diverticulum,  esophageal varices, esophagitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, and  Barrett’s esophagus, which increases the risk of getting cancer of esophageal due to long term GERD.

In very rare cases esophageal cancer occurs.  However, two types of cancer occur in the esophagus,

  • Adenocarcinoma occurs in the lower part of the esophagus.  It starts in the gland cell which makes mucus.  Mostly it occurs due to Barrett’s esophagus.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma occurs in the cell that lines the esophagus and usually affects the area of the upper and middle esophagus.

Symptoms of  esophagus problems

Feeling of Heartburn in the mid-center of the chest is the most common symptom of esophagus problems. Other symptoms are as under,

  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Chest pain
  • Vomiting plain or with blood
  • Bad breathe
  • Regurgitation (Food comes back in mouth from esophagus
  • Feeling that food is stuck in the back of your throat
  • Cough and sore throat
  • Weight loss

How to diagnose esophagus problems?

The gastroenterologist may carry out the below-mentioned procedure to ascertain the problem.

  • Endoscopy: specialist will insert a flexible tube with a camera on the end through the throat into the esophagus, and examine the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
  • Biopsy: During the endoscopy procedure he will collect tissue samples from the lining of the esophagus.  A pathologist will examine the tissue sample under a microscope.
  • Barium: Barium meal is another procedure to check the problem. Patients have to drink a chalky-tasting liquid that contains barium, a substance that makes parts of the body more clear in an x-ray called fluoroscopy.
  • Esophageal pH test: in this test health provider will insert a catheter in your esophagus and measure how often stomach acid enters the esophagus and how long time it stays there.

How to fix the esophagus problems?

Your health care provider will decide the medication or other treatment as per the condition of the patient.  

He may prescribe medication such as, antacids, H 2 receptor blockers, proton pump inhibitors or may refer to a surgeon for further appropriate surgery as per the condition.

In addition to the above patient is required to ingest dietary fiber such as oats, legumes, flax seeds, nuts, apples, carrots.

Daily morning walk, evening walk, regular exercise, yoga plays important role in the recovery of the patient.

Frequently Asked Question About function of esophagus in digestive system

Q. What food do we eat with stomach/esophagus ulcers?

Ans. The patient is required to consume dietary fiber such as oats, legumes, flax seeds, nuts, apples, carrots.

Q. What food we should not consume for stomach/esophagus ulcers?

Ans. We should avoid alcohol, black pepper, caffeine, peppermint, NSAIDs, etc.

Q. Is milk good for ulcers?

Ans. Milk may temporarily reduce your ulcer pain. But it may cause your stomach to produce more acid or more digestive juice, which may worsen your ulcer.

Q. Is banana good for ulcers?

Ans. Yes, banana is very beneficial in curing ulcers of the stomach and esophagus. It inhibits the growth of ulcer-causing H pylori. It also clears out acidity and gastric juice.