Cuties Oranges Nutrition Everyone Should Know [2021]


” Cuties Oranges Nutrition, The Cuties brand names of a hybrid of Mandarin sweet oranges are two types of commercially available oranges. These fruits are bright orange, easy to peel, seedless, and very sweet in taste. Cuties are two varieties of mandarins: Clementine mandarins available in the market during November to February and W. Marcott mandarins, available in the market from February to April”

Cuties oranges are grown in the sunny San Joaquin Valley in California.

Both types of cuties oranges are without seed, fat less, and do not contain cholesterol.  Cuties are full of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and various antioxidants. Intake of such types of diets decreases the risk of various serious medical illnesses. 

A person who is suffering from indigestion and heartburn must avoid the intake of cuties oranges because it will increase or worsen the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn.

Cuties oranges benefits

  • Cuties oranges are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and compounds of plants.
  • Cuties oranges  are rich in fiber.
  • Cuties oranges reduce the risk of kidney stone.
  • Cuties oranges help fight against cancer.
  • The nutrients available in cuties oranges boosts our heart health.
  • Cuties oranges  improve skin health.

Normal nutritional value of a cuties orange: nutritional value of a cuties orange are included,

Calorie35 Gm
protein01 Gm
Carbohydrates9 Gm
Vitamin C40 % Of The Day Value
Potassium200 Mg
Dietary Fiber2 Gms
Folate5 % Of Daily Value
Thiamine5 % Of The Daily Value

Cuties Oranges Nutrition Rich in Antioxidants

 Cuties oranges contain Hesperidin and naringenin are antioxidants compounds found in citrus fruit like cuties.  Both are flavonoids, plant-based chemicals that can stop the damage of DNA by inhibiting the activities of free radicals.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and immune booster and it can prevent cellular damage from harmful and unstable free radicals. And also cuties orange contains folate and thiamine which help prevent anemia and promote a healthy metabolism. Vitamin C helps improve skin health and appearance.

In addition to vitamin C, this fruit contains hesperidin, narirutin, and beta carotene. Beta carotene promotes healthy cell growth and sugar metabolism.  Hesperidin is highly anti-inflammatory. Naritutin can help improve mental health and help to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Cuties Oranges Nutrition Rich In Dietary fiber

Cuties Oranges Nutrition Rich In Dietary fiber

A single serving of cuties contains 4 grams of dietary fiber.  Cuties are an especially good source of soluble fiber, a type of fiber that swells with water in the digestive tract to form a viscous mass.  Soluble fiber helps prevent diabetes and maintain cholesterol levels.

 A diet that is full of dietary fiber may decrease the risk of stroke, heart disease, obesity.  Fruit fiber serves as food for the good bacteria in the human gut.  It also adds bulk to stool and soften the same and decrease constipation, prevents condition like a diverticular disease.

Cuties oranges are rich in potassium and carbohydrates

Cuties oranges are rich in potassium and carbohydrates. 2 oranges contain 400mg of potassium or 11 % of the minerals RDA.  As an electrolyte, potassium plays important role in maintaining Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle contraction. 

 Adequate potassium intake is necessary to activate enzymes which is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates.  It may decrease the risk of kidney stones, osteoporosis, and stroke.

Cuties oranges are a good source of minerals

These are good sources of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and magnesium. These minerals play important roles in the synthesis of red blood cells and bones and also support the immune system and nervous system.

Cuties Oranges Nutrition Decrease The Risk Of Cancer

It contains dietary fiber which decreases the risk of colorectal cancer. Further, there is evidence that non-starchy fruits and vegetables combined to decrease the risk of  Aerodigestive cancers overall such as mouth, pharynx and larynx, esophageal, lung, stomach, and colorectal cancers.

Limited evidence suggests that citrus fruits decrease the risk of stomach cancer. Some evidence suggests foods containing vitamin C decrease the risk of lung cancer and colon cancer. Some evidence suggests that non-starchy vegetables and fruits may decrease the risk of Bladder cancer.  

Difference between oranges and cuties

Clementines are smaller than oranges, both are sweeter, have thinner skin, and are easier to peel. 

Clementines are less acidic than normal oranges.  However, both are two different varieties of citrus fruits.  

Which is healthier oranges or clementines?

As far as nutritional value is concerned both are good sources of dietary fiber but orange contains high fiber than clementines. On the other side, clementines are lower in cholesterol, sugar, and saturated fats.

How many Cuties Oranges we can eat daily?

We must consume one to two cuties oranges daily.

What happens if you eat a lot of clementines?

Intake of a high amount of clementines may cause Cavities.   Eating a lot of citrus fruits increases the risk of cavities. Citrus fruit contains acid, that may erode tooth enamel if sipped frequently.

Can diabetics eat clementies?

Clementines fruit, contains a high amount of Vitamins, minerals, fibers, Whereas it contains a low amount of carbohydrates. Thus it is perfectly healthy for diabetic people if taken one or two daily.

Is mandarin healthier than oranges?

Oranges contain less calorie, fats, carbohydrates but it contains more protein and fiber in comparison to mandarin.  Oranges are richer in vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, and B5 but mandarins contain higher concentrations of vitamin A,  vitamin E, vitamin B3, and vitamin B 6.  

Which Carbohydrates should I avoid to reduce belly fat?

Stop intake of Refined carbohydrates such as sugar, candy, white bread and intake a high amount of proteins.  It will be helpful to reduce belly fat.


Q. What is the difference between oranges and cuties?

Ans. Clementines are smaller than oranges, both are sweeter, thinner skin, and easier to peel. Clementines are less acidic than normal oranges.  However, both are different varieties of citrus fruits. 

Q. Which are healthier oranges or clementines?

Ans. As far as nutritional value is concerned both are good sources of dietary fiber. Orange contains high fiber than clementines. On the other side, Clementine is lower in cholesterol, sugar, and saturated fats.

Q. Are mandarin healthier than oranges?

Ans. Both are healthier. Oranges contain less calorie, fats, carbohydrates but it contains more protein and fiber in comparison to mandarin.  Oranges are richer in vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, and B5 but a mandarin contains higher concentrations of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B3, and vitamin B 6. 

Q. Which Carbohydrates should I avoid to reduce belly fat?

Ans. Stop intake of Refined carbohydrates such as sugar, candy, white bread and intake a high amount of proteins.  It will be helpful to reduce belly fat.

Q. What is calorie in cuties orange?

Ans. Each cutie’s orange contains 35gm. Calories.