5 Way Ruin Healthy Breakfast


“5 way ruin healthy breakfast “The main aims of consuming a healthy breakfast is to boost energy level, alertness and provide other essential nutrients to the human body.

On the contrary thereof,   we eat junk food, pre-sweetened cereal, pastries, white bread, puri, kachori, bhaturey, kulchey, pancake, processed food, fruit juice, etc. for breakfast. We will take high calories from sugar or fat with little or low quantity of dietary fiber.  So eating an unhealthy breakfast  makes  you  lethargic, weight gain, and increase the risk of chronic diseases.”

5 Way ruin healthy breakfast

5 way ruin healthy breakfast; first of all, we must discuss the importance of healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is made of two words,  “ break +fast”  break the overnight fast. Thus breakfast replenishes the supply of glucose to boost energy level, alertness and provide other essential nutrients to the human body. Thus the motto of taking the morning breakfast is to provide proper energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fluid to the human body if we take a balanced and healthy breakfast.

On the other hand, if we take fast food, fried items in breakfast then we will lose the motto of breakfast. Fast food and fried items will ruin our health and originate many health-related problems.  Eating pancakes, waffles, white bread, toast with margarine, fruit juice, pastries, puri, kachori, chholey, kulchey in breakfast ruins the motto of the same.

5 Way ruin healthy breakfast, Worst food ruins healthy breakfast

Worst Food Ruins Healthy Breakfast
Worst Food Ruins Healthy Breakfast

5 way ruin healthy breakfast: Eating an unhealthy breakfast is far worse than not eating the same.  A healthy breakfast includes fiber, protein, and low fat that give you energy, strength and makes full. On the other hand, eating an unhealthy breakfast makes you lethargic, weight gain, and increases the risk of chronic diseases.

5 Way ruin healthy breakfast This worst food includes

1.Breakfast cereal

5 Way Ruin Healthy Breakfast. It is one of the food items out of  5 ways to ruin a healthy breakfast.  Many people think that breakfast cereal is full of nutrients like vitamin A, healthy, and made of whole grain. But actually, these cereals are highly processed and contain only a small amount of whole grains.  Also, nutrients are added during their process of manufacturing.    It contains refined grain (not whole grain) and sugar in greater quantity. Study shows that immune system of those children who do not get it are more booster than those of who are taking it. A high sugar intake increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

2.Pancakes and waffles

It is one of the food items out of 5-way ruin healthy breakfast. Both are the first popular choice of children and adults.  These are made of flour, egg, sugar, and milk, but cooked differently. Both contain high quantity refined grains like wheat flour and topped with pancake syrup which contains fructose, which contributes to insulin resistance and type 2  obesity.  


Gluten-free Breakfast foods:  It is made from a combination of flour of rice, potatoes, and tapioca that replaces wheat flour in gluten-free bread and baked goods. These flours have rich in sugar, so they raise blood sugar rapidly.  This leads to high insulin levels that cause rebound hunger and weight gain.  Also, it contains less protein and fiber.  Thus it is also the worst option for breakfast.

4.Toaster pastries

 The ingredients of this toaster pastry are healthy.   Pop-Tarts contain white flour,  brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and soya bean oil bearing the falls claim that “ baked with real fruit”  which misleads the people.  In addition, to high in sugar and refined flour, it contains few grams of protein, which is not a sufficient and appropriate diet.  It can not be accepted as a balanced diet for a human.

5.Fruit Juice

fruit juice is one of the worst choices for breakfast.  If you take it in the morning you will get weight gain and chronic diseases.  Some fruit juice contains very little amount of juice, sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  High sugar levels increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other ailments.  It raises blood sugar levels rapidly or quickly because it does not contain fiber or fat, so absorbed quickly.


Q. What are the  3 foods to never eat?

Ans. We must avoid Sugary drinks, Sweetened breakfast cereal, French fries, and potato chips as they raise instant sugar levels and provide a low fiber diet.

Q.What is the number one vegetable to avoid?

Ans. Strawberries are at Serial number one in the list of avoidable vegetables.

Q.What 3 foods cardiologists say to avoid?

Ans. Cardiologists said to avoid such foods that have the words “trans” “hydrogenated” or “ partially hydrogenated” on the label.  These are bad fats, found in commercially fried items,  such as donuts, cookies, potato chips, etc.  We should also avoid sugar.

Q.What  are the worst foods for the heart.

Ans. Foods that are bad for our heart are Red meat, White Rice, Maida, sugar, salt, fat, pasta, etc.