pharynx function in digestive system, The human body is a miracle gifted by god. Every part of our body has its own importance.  Our body is incomplete in the absence of any one part.  So the human digestive system is also very important and plays an important role in the development of an immune system,  proper digestion of food, maintenance of every part of our body.  

As soon as we eat food in our mouth. Our teeth began to grind the same, salivary glands spread saliva, tongue help mix saliva in-ground food. The gastric gland in our stomach and various chemical changes occur in our duodenum, small intestine, and large intestine. Our pancreas, liver, and gall bladder also play a vital role in the digestive system.

The entire alimentary canal is lined by a mucus membrane.  From lips to the end of the esophagus this is the stratified epithelium. And from the stomach to the anal canal this lining is composed of the columnar cell, and the anal canal is also lined with stratified epithelium.  So in this way, our whole alimentary tract has been made safe by these linings.

So I am discussing here the importance of the pharynx of our body in the digestive process.

What is Pharynx?

pharynx function in digestive system, The pharynx also called the throat lies behind the nose, larynx, and mouth. It is a cone-shaped muscular –membranous passage, its uppermost part is widest and it joins the esophagus.  It is a very important part of our digestive system as well as of the respiratory system.  It receives the food from the mouth and is further transferred to the esophagus which carries it to the stomach. Branching off the pharynx is the esophagus, which carries food to the stomach, and the trachea or windpipe,  which carries air to the lungs.

The pharynx connects on either side with the cavity of the middle ear by way Eustachian tube and gives equalization of air pressure on the eardrum membrane. It separates the middle ear cavity from the canal of the external ear. The pharynx is attached to surrounding structures but it is loose to permit gliding of the pharyngeal wall against them during the swallowing process.  Its principal muscle is involved in the process of swallowing. There are three pharyngeal constrictors.   They overlap each other slightly and form the primary musculature of the side and rear pharyngeal walls.

pharynx function in digestive system, There are three major sections of the pharynx; the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and the  Aryngopharynx. The nasopharynx is the top part of the throat, located behind the nasal cavity. The oropharynx is the middle part behind the oral cavity and the laryngopharynx is the bottom part which is behind the larynx.  Its length is about 5 cm. The tube is a large hard tissue, some areas of the oropharynx consist of soft tissue. Some parts are made of different cells and muscles.

The nasopharynx is made up of respiratory epithelium, a protective mucus membrane that coats the airways and respiratory tract. The nasopharynx is located near adenoid tonsils.  The oropharynx contains the rest of the tonsils and rear third of the tongue constrictor muscle which helps in swallowing. Laryngopharynx contains two groups of constrictor muscle, named inferior pharyngeal constrictor and middle pharyngeal constrictor, both help down food into the esophagus.

The pharynx also contains longitudinal muscles that expend and shorten the pharynx during the process of swallowing. The names of these muscles are stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, and salpingopharyngeus. There is a proper network of nerves, such as the glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve. These nerves are responsible to maintain the motor and sensory function of the pharynx, such as swallowing, grasping food,  and pushing down the same into the esophagus.

The pharynx is composed of three coats, mucous, fibrous, and muscular. The lower part of the pharynx is lined with stratified epithelium. The esophagus is started after the pharynx.  The isthmus connecting the oral and nasal region is very beneficial and important for humans. 

What is the function of the pharynx?

pharynx function in digestive system, It makes people breathe through the nose or the mouth, and in critical condition or required medically, we can allow food to pass to the esophagus by nasal tubes. Another portion is the laryngeal pharynx, which begins at the epiglottis and leads down to the esophagus. Its function is to regulate the passage of air to the lungs and food to the esophagus. There are two small tubes that connect the middle ears to the pharynx and allow air pressure on the eardrum to be equalized.  

Also, read – Function of stomach in digestive system

What is the disease of the pharynx?

Due to head cold,  tubes inflamed, which causes earache and difficulty in hearing.  Some other diseases of the pharynx are tonsillitis,  allergies, gastropharyngeal reflux disease,  cancer and various types of throat paralyze that occur due to polio, diphtheria, rabies, or nervous system injuries. 

In the case to determine the cause of pain, breathing problem, change in voice, or any other problems of the pharynx,  the health care provider can perform or advise the following tests.

  • Laryngoscopy
  • Barium meal x-ray to ascertain the cause of problems
  • pH test for acid reflux
  • Esophageal manometry test

And also carry out further blood tests and start medication in the light of the results of the test,  accordingly.

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Medication Management

After doing proper investigation, the health care provider prescribes medicines as he deems proper for the treatment such as antibiotics, analgesic, anti-inflammatory,  and anti-allergic medicines. 

In addition to the above steam inhalation, a gargle of warm water, drinking lukewarm water plays an important role in the speedy recovery.  

Also, read – 9 side effects of drinking too much tea

Frequently Asked Question About pharynx function in digestive system

Q. What is the function of the Pharynx?

Ans. The pharynx performs functions both in the respiratory system and digestive systems. It is a 5-inch long cylindrical tube that involves the passage of food and air into its proper chambers. Its connection in the oral and nasal areas enables us to breathe through both nose and mouth.

Q. What is the disease of the pharynx?

Ans. The common disease of the pharynx is tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, allergies, gastropharyngeal reflux disease, cancer and various types of throat paralyze that occur due to polio, diphtheria, rabies, or nervous system injuries.

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