Is asthma risky: It is a condition of a human being in which the airways/lungs of a person become inflamed, narrow, and swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.  It is due to inflammation of the bronchial tubes with increased production of sticky secretions inside the bronchial tubes.  People feel asthma attack symptoms when the airways tighten, inflame or fill with sticky secretions/ mucus. stress and mental health

What is asthma

Is asthma risky, An asthma attack may be minor or major, it can interfere with day to day activities of a person. The attack may be minor or in some cases, it is so severe which may lead to life-threatening.  

Due to allergic attacks, people got asthma attacks suddenly. In addition to difficulty breathing, a patient may commonly complain of throat tightness, hoarseness, and feels difficulty breathing in more than out. Episodes of vocal cord dysfunction occur during day time than at night, but in the matter of poorly controlled asthma symptoms are worse at night.


Is asthma risky, It may cause difficulty in breathing, a viral infection of cold,  chest pain, cough, wheezing. A person who is suffering from this disease feels difficulty in breathing.  Sneezing, runny nose,  nasal congestion, sore throat, and pain in the head.  Difficulty in talking, pale and sweaty face.

Cough can occur at night, during exercise, some time cough remains dry or with phlegm. Trouble in sleeping.

Difficulty in breathing, breathing through the mouth, wheezing,  fast breathing, sometimes shortness of breath at night. Feeling tired, Tightness in Chest or pressure in chest flare, anxiety due to breathing difficulty, fast heart rate, irritation in the throat. the patient feels chest pain. Sometimes fever and so many others symptoms occur.

Symptoms vary from person to person and also in every attack at different times symptoms may also vary. So every person does not feel or experience the same symptom of asthma in the same way or feel different symptoms at different times.

The sign of early-stage asthma is not so severe enough to stop you from going about your daily activities. But it can alert you to take preventive measures from getting worse.

Types of asthma

It is of many types includes below

  • Adult –onset asthma
  • Allergic  asthma
  • Non-allergic asthma
  • COPD  overlap
  • Exercise-induced  asthma
  • Occupational   asthma

What Triggers Asthma

Asthma may trigger any time but some common cause that triggers asthma are as under

  • Tobacco smoke
  • Dust mites
  • Use of Pests for insects, cockroaches, mice etc
  • Pets
  • Cleaning  substances

In the first instance, the doctor may examine the nose throat and upper airways with the help of special instruments provided for physical examination of the patient and chest with the help of a stethoscope to listen to the breathing wheezing- high pitched whistling sounds when the patient breathe in or breathe out. In addition to the above blood test, Pulmonary function test (PFT), Xray chest- P A View, CT  Scan plays an important role to detect the stage and condition of asthma.


The treatment of asthma is difficult and tedious. The proper medication under the supervision of a chest specialist can help to recover from the illness. Improvement in living condition, house or room must be hygienic and properly ventilated. Regular exercise is also required to gain good health i.e. Deep breathing is necessary to promote the good health of the lungs.

Healthy food habit, eat green vegetables and fruits daily.  A daily morning walk is necessary for proper blood flow in the body.  Take early dinner daily and walk approximately half an hour regularly after taking dinner.

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