7 foods to add to your diet for acid reflux: Acid reflux occurs due to the backflow of acid from the stomach into the food pipe i.e. esophagus. Most people feel it much time. It Can cause heartburn and congestion in the larynx. It happens due to weakness or damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally after the moving of food into the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter automatically closes and prevents the moving back of food into the esophagus.
Normally when food reached the stomach, it produces hydrochloric acid. The production of hydrochloric acid depends on the amount of food intake. Backflow of hydrochloric acid caused heartburn, pain, pain in the larynx, nausea, and vomiting. Thus we must eat a short amount of food at a short interval. Avoid tea, coffee, fright items, spicy foods, oranges, and citrus, etc.
Foods that may reduce the symptoms of acid reflux
If your stomach produces a large amount of hydrochloric acid and feels acid reflux symptoms such as pain and irritation in the esophagus. The below-mentioned food can help you to reduce the symptoms, such as
We must include leafy and green vegetables in our food. These are naturally low in fat and sugar and they help to reduce the acid of the stomach. These are green beans, cucumbers, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, leafy greens.
Ginger contains natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial in heartburn and other stomach-related problems. You can use grated or sliced ginger root in your diet.
You can take oatmeal for your breakfast. It is whole grain and a good source of fiber. A diet that is high in fiber has been linked with a lower risk of acid reflux. Whole grain bread, whole grain rice, brown rice are also good options that reduce the risk of acid reflux.
4.Non citrus fruits
We must include non-citrus fruits in our meals. Intake of noncitrus fruit helps to reduce acid reflux. These fruits are watermelons, bananas, apples, and pears, etc.
5.Lean meat and seafood
Lean meat such as chicken, fish, and seafood are low fat and reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Intake boiled, baked, or grilled meat.
6.White portion of egg
Intake duly boiled white portion of the egg. It is beneficial to reduce the risk of acid reflux.
7.Intake healthy fat
Do not intake saturated fat or trans fat. Replace them with healthier unsaturated fats, such as flaxseed, sesame oil, olive oil, and walnut, etc.
Find the reasons for acid reflux first
First of all, we must detect the reason for acid reflux and the systems thereof. Heartburn is a common symptom. Many other symptoms can also develop such as sensation in the stomach, chest pain, vomiting, nausea, sore throat, bloating, and difficulty in swallowing.
Certain foods may also trigger acid reflux symptoms. No single food can prevent these symptoms. However, one food which is bad for one person, the same food is good for another person. Thus we can not certify that one food which is bad for one person is also bad for all other persons. So we must detect which food triggers the symptoms of acid reflux.
5 Common foods which trigger acid reflux
1.High-fat foods
High-fat foods cause more acid reflux symptoms. So must avoid these foods, such as French fries, full-fat dairy products such as butter, cheese, meat, desserts or snacks, ice cream, potatoes, cream sauce, oily and greasy foods.
2.Tomatoes and citrus fruits
Fruits and vegetables play an important role to maintain the good health of a person. But in the case of a person suffering from acid reflux disorder, they must avoid the intake of citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, lime, pineapple, tomatoes, pizza, etc.
Chocolate contains methylxanthine which causes relaxation of smooth muscle in the LES and increases reflux.
4.Garlic, Onions, and spicy foods
Spicy food such as onions, garlic also triggers acid reflux. We must avoid intaking the same.
Intake of mint also causes acid reflux. We must avoid the intake of chew gum.
Change in life style
- We must change our lifestyle that will also help to reduce acid reflux.
- Go on a morning walk ten thousand steps daily.
- Daily exercise, yoga activity.
- Drink 2 glasses of water in the morning.
- Eat less food than your hunger at a small interval.
- Go to bed at 10 o clock right in the night and leave bed at 5 AM sharp.
- Take sound sleep daily.
- Remain stress-free.
- Do not drink water during meal and up to ½ hour after a meal.
- Take your dinner by 7 PM and walk approximately 10 minutes after taking the dinner.
- Consult a doctor for proper medication.
- By doing so you will definitely be got relieved from acid reflux.
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