7 healthy foods to help you burn calories, The best way to burn fat is to do a minimum of half an hour of daily exercise activity. It will increase the metabolism rate resulting in loss of body weight.

Some fat-burning supplements are available in the market which are not effective and also not safe. However, some foods and beverages are effective to increase metabolism and causes fat loss.

7 healthy foods to help you burn calories

1. Fatty fish

Fatty fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote fat loss. Fish is also rich in high-quality protein and makes you feel full, boost metabolism rate during digestion.

2. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil

This oil is made from the MCT extracted from coconut or palm. It is available online as well as in the open market.  MCT oil is a type of fat, which metabolized differently than the long-chain fatty acids found in food.

Due to their shorter length, MCT is rapidly absorbed by the body and goes straight to the liver, liver uses the same immediately for energy or converts the same into ketones for use as an alternative fuel source. Further, it may reduce hunger and promote better retention of muscle mass during weight loss. You may start it with 5 ml daily and increase the doses gradually in order to minimize potential digestive side effects like cramping. Nausea and diarrhea.

3. Apple cider vinegar

It is a pantry staple that helps you burn extra fat by reducing sugar cravings.  Intake apple cider vinegar before taking food you will feel full on less food.  It will naturally detoxify your body and also maintain the pH level of the stomach.

Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for our body in many ways in addition to weight loss.

  • It improves systems of Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • It helps to lower insulin and blood sugar levels.
  • It kills harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • It helps to decrease blood cholesterol.
  • It is useful to reduce blood pressure.

4. Bone broth

Chicken and goat bone soup broth is beneficial for the human body. It contains many amino acids that play an important role to burn body fat. Some of the benefits from bone soup are as under,

Bone broth protects our bones and joints as it is a natural source of collagen, a protein found in the vertebrae of animals, in their cartilage, bones, tendons, skins, and ligaments.  In old age our bones and joints become weak.  So we must add bone broth to our diet and reduce the risk of the weakness of bones and joints.

Makes skin healthy:  It helps in the formation of elastin and various other compounds within the skin with the help of collagen. That maintains skin texture, youth, and tone. Collagen also reduces swelling and signs of aging.

Bone broth is beneficial for our intestine and maintains healthy immune system function.

5. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are full of nutritional value and also it is a fat-burning food.  If we intake chia seeds, our energy level, and stamina increase. Intake of  Chia seeds control overeating as it is high in fiber, keeps us feeling full for a long period.

6. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the best food to burn fat.  The enzymes present in grapefruit help our body to break down sugar and boost metabolism. We must add a grapefruit slice to our breakfast or add its juice into a smoothie will definitely burn our fat.

7. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are full of nutrients such as protein, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids that support weight loss. Pumpkin seeds contain a substantial amount of fat and are low in calories. It falls under the category of best weight loss diet. Intake raw and unsalted pumpkin seeds. You may add approximately 20 gms pumpkin seeds daily or as you desire, into your breakfast with or without a shell to obtain a complete result.

8. Green Tea

Green tea is best for good health. Green tea contains caffeine and EGCG both are best to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. Protect heart health and also reduce the risk of cancer.

Green tea is full of caffeine and also contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) an antioxidant that promotes fat burning and reduces belly. We must drink 4 cups of green tea daily to reduce weight.

Frequently Asked Question about 7 healthy foods to help you burn calories

Q. Which fruits are best for burning fat?

Ans. Orange, watermelon, Guava,  Lime, Lemon, pear, etc are the best food that burns the most fat.

Q.What food burns thigh fat?

Ans. A variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil, nut oil are good to burn thigh fat.

Q. How can I reduce my tummy fat fast?

Ans. Eat plenty of soluble fiber, avoid foods that contain trans fats, do not drink alcohol, eat a high protein diet, reduce stress levels. Do exercise daily.

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