14  Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables play an important role in better health, boost the immune system as these are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. If we consume it daily it will reduce the risk of diabetes, heart attack, muscular degeneration of the eyes, etc. stress and mental health

14 Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are a very important healthiest diet. these are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but have low calories.  Eating leafy green vegetables gives us so many health benefits such as decreasing the risk of obesity, heart attack, hypertension,  mental decline.

1. Kale

Kale is the most nutrient-dense vegetable as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  It contains vitamin A, vitamin  C, vitamin K.  It is also rich in lutein, carotenoids, and beta carotene that prevent oxidative stress disease. We must consume it raw, as cooking reduces its nutrients profile.

2. Microgreens

Microgreens are greens produced from the seeds of vegetables and herbs. Their length is 1-3 inches.  Mostly it is used for decoration. But it is rich in color, flavor nutrients. It is rich in vitamins C, E, and K. It is easily growable as it can be grown in your own house.

3.  Broccoli

It belongs to the cabbage family.  There is a large flower on the stem and it looks like cauliflower. Broccoli is rich in nutrients such as vitamin c, vitamin k, fiber, calcium, folate, and phosphorus. It is also rich in plant compound sulforaphane, which improves bacterial gut flora and decreases the risk of cancer, heart disease, and autism.

4. Collard Greens

Collard greens are loose-leaf greens and belong to kale.  Its leaves are thick and bitter in taste. Its texture is like kale and cabbage.  It is rich in calcium and vitamin A, B 9 (folate), and vitamin C, Vitamin K .  It also boosts the strength of bone reduces the risk of fracture.

5. Spinach

It is a good leafy green vegetable that can be used in a variety of dishes such as, soups, sauces, smoothies, etc. It is rich in vitamin K and vitamin A.  It is packed with folate, which produces red blood cells and prevents neural tube defects in pregnancy. Its intake is beneficial during pregnancy.

6. Cabbage

It is a cluster of thick leaves of various colors such as green, white, and purple colors.  It relates to the Brassica family, along with Brussels sprouts, kale, etc. It contains glucosinolate, which has a bitter flavor, gives protection against lung and esophageal cancer.  It is more beneficial after fermentation as it improves digestion and the immune system.

7. Beet Green

Beet green has been claimed as beneficial for good health.  It is full of nutrients.  It is edible, rich in potassium, calcium, riboflavin,  fiber, vitamin A and K . It is full of antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lutein that prevent our eyes from muscular degeneration and cataracts. It can be added to salads, soups, etc.

8. Watercress

It is an aquatic plant and belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It contains healing properties. It is beneficial and its extract targets cancer stem cells and impairs cancer cell reproduction and invasion. Its flavor is bitter and spicy.

9. Romaine lettuce

It is a common leafy vegetable with sturdy, dark leaves with a firm center rib.  Its texture is crunchy and is popular lettuce. It is rich in vitamin A and K and low in calories. Thus beneficial for weight loss.

10. Swiss chard

It has dark green leaves with a thick stalk which is of red, white, yellow, or green color. Its taste is earthy.  It is rich in minerals and vitamins such as.  manganese, potassium, and vitamin A, C, and K.  It is also rich in syringic acid- a compound beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels.

11. Arugula

It is leafy green and belongs to the family of Brassicaceae family. Its taste is peppery.  It can be used in salad or garnish.  It is also used in the preparation of cosmetics items and medicines.  It is full of vitamin A, K .  It is the best source of dietary nitrates,  a compound that turns into nitric oxide in our body. It helps reduce blood pressure.

12. Endive

It belongs to the Cichorium family.  It is curly, crisp in texture, nutty and bitter flavor. It is rich in vitamin A and K and folate.  It is a good source of kaempferol, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and inhibits the growth of cancer cells in test tube studies.

13. Bok choy

It is Chinese cabbage, contains thick, dark green leaves, and is used in the preparation of soup and stir-fries. This leafy green vegetable contains selenium, which plays in cognitive function, immune and prevention of cancer. Selenium also regulates the function of the thyroid gland. The thyroid is situated in our neck and releases hormones that plays important role in metabolism.

14. Turnip Greens

It is greens of the turnip plant, root vegetable, and similar to a potato.  It is full of nutrients such as calcium, manganese, folate, and vitamin A, C, and K.  Its taste is spicy,  consume cooked or raw.   It may reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and atherosclerosis. It is rich in antioxidants including, gluconasturtiin, glucotropaeolin, quercetin, myricetin, and beta carotene which reduces stress. 

Frequently Asked Question About Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables

Q. What is the healthiest leafy green vegetable?

Ans. The healthiest leafy green vegetables are kale, watercress, spinach, collard greens, chard, leaf lettuce, arugula, etc.

Q.What are the worst vegetables to eat?

Ans. All the vegetables are good. But some vegetables like peppers, potatoes, and eggplant may be taken with caution when the person is suffering from stomach ulcer, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, etc. it must be taken with the advice of a dietician.

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