A healthy diet plan for men consists mainly plants foods such as fruits and vegetables, potatoes, cereals, etc. and moderate amounts of animal products such as, milk, lean red meat, fish and poultry items, fats and oil should normally provide less than 30% of energy and saturated fat should be less than 10%”.

What Is The Healthy Diet Plan For Men

A healthy diet plan for men means to intake such balanced food which is full of nutrients, able to maintain proper health. Nutrients play a vital role in maintaining good health. Proper intake of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber makes our body healthy. Men should consume seasonal healthy fruits and leafy vegetables. Thus eating a healthy, balanced diet plays a vital role in maintaining good health, which helps men to feel better and fit for day-to-day activity.

Healthy Diet Plan For Men means they should take a variety of food in the right proportion, take the right amount of food and drink the liquid in the proper way to achieve or maintain proper health. The nutrients which are necessary for men to perform daily activity are includes

  • Carbohydrates; for energy, power, and heat.
  • Fats: Fats for power and heat.
  • Proteins: Protein body growth and repair of the various cells of our body.
  • Vitamins: Vitamins keep our body in working condition.
  • Minerals: Minerals keep our body in working condition.
  • Water: water maintain our body temperature and
  • Roughage:  regulate work of alimentary tract.
  • These nutrients are necessary to perform a vital function in our body.  
  • Thus food intake schedule must be designed in such a manner that a man intakes all the aforesaid nutrients daily in a proper manner.

Healthy Diet Plan For Men-Eating a right and balanced diet, get proper health and fitness is as under.


Healthy Diet Plan For Men, Carbohydrates are necessary for the energy, strength, and warmth of our bodies. Men have to remain active to perform daily activity for which he needs energy.  Carbohydrates are the best source of energy for men. We receive carbohydrates from sugar and starch.  Sugar gives instant energy. Starch release more energy slowly than sugar. Plants provide us with carbohydrates. Rice, wheat,  banana, bread and sugar, wholegrain, potatoes, peas, corn, beans, etc. are full of starch.


A large quantity of protein is required for the growth and development of muscles, bones, hair, skin, and cell of our body. It forms antibodies, hormones, other essential substances, serves as a fuel source for billions of cells and tissues when required for the rebuilding and maintenance of cells.  Thus men should include enough protein items in daily food. We get Proteins from plants and animals.  plants give us Pulses and soya beans.  Meat, fish, eggs are animal proteins.


Intake of proper fat is also necessary for a healthy man. It lubricates our body muscles. Men must include Ghee, Milk, butter in daily food.

Vitamins and minerals

Men should take seasonal foods and green vegetables which are full of vitamins and minerals.   These are required in small quantity but deficiency caused ill health.  Thus men should intake seasonal fruits and vegetables to fulfill the requirement of the daily need for vitamins and minerals.


Water is also very essential for the development of the human body 70 % of our body weight is water. Most of this is present in our body cells, some water lies between these cells.  The liquid part of our blood also contains water.  Men are required to drink daily approximately 1 to 2-liter water.


Plant foods such as fruit, vegetables contain carbohydrates that can not be digested by our body and excreted through our alimentary tract system in the shape of feces. Roughage adds bulk to our food.  As it is not digested, it passes down the entire digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It helps the muscles of the digestive system to move smoothly and ensure proper bowel movement. Thus a man should intake food, fruits, and vegetables that are full of fiber, such as, wholegrain, papaya, etc.

Frequently Asked Question About Healthy diet plan for men

Q. Why is a healthy diet important?

Ans. A healthy diet is necessary for good health and nutrition. A healthy diet protects us from many non-communicable diseases, such as cardiac diseases, diabetes, etc. We should intake a variety of foods, intake less salt, fewer sugars, avoid saturated fat and trans fat product.

Q. How do you introduce healthy eating?

Ans. In our diet, we must include more fruits, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, and whole-grain foods.

Q. What is the meaning of a diet plan?

Ans. Most people think that the meaning of a diet plan is to schedule such a manner for short-term weight loss restrictive food intake.   But it should be scheduled according to the individual’s need as per health status, weight, and lifestyle.

Q. Which fruit is good for your diet?

Ans. Grapefruit, Apple, Berries, kiwi fruit, watermelon, etc are good for the diet.

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