
“22 high fiber foods you should eat. Fiber, a nutrient of our food, plays an important role in the proper health of human beings. In the absence of these nutrients, all other nutrients fail to perform their function easily.It remains undigested in our intestine and ends up in the colon, where it feeds friendly bacteria, available in our gut .”

22 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat

22 high fiber foods you should eat.  It is incredibly important because it feeds friendly gut bacteria, promotes weight loss, lowers blood sugar level, and protects us from constipation. So it plays an important function in our body and saves us from many ailments. A man must intake approximately 38 grams of fiber daily and a woman must take 24 gm fiber daily.  Thus we must take fiber-rich food into our daily diet.

The benefit of fiber intake

1. Reduce the risk of intestinal cancer

Fiber rich diet protect us  against certain type of cancer, including colon cancer. Some  types of fiber, such as the pectin is available in apple, which has  antioxidant  properties.

2. Reduce cholesterol level

Fiber presence in the digestive tract can help reduce the body’s cholesterol absorption. Psyllium fiber is a fiber supplement and has properties to reduce the cholesterol of the human body.

3. Promote a healthy weight

High fiber foods like fruits and vegetables are lower in calories and the fiber present therein can slow digestion in the stomach to help you feel fuller for longer. Thus maintain an adequate healthy weight.

4. Adding bulk to the digestive tract system

Those people who are suffering from constipation or a generally sluggish digestive tract must add fiber to their diet. Fiber naturally adds bulk to your stool and smoothly passes the same through the intestine to the anus.

5. Maintain blood sugar level

High fiber foods particularly soluble fiber slows down the absorption of sugar and helps improve blood sugar level and prevent diabetes.

6. Drink plenty  of water

Drink plenty  of water when  you intake more fiber  and get proper benefit.

Fiber is very beneficial but sometimes it causes adverse effects such as gas and bloating. In such cases, you may drink plenty of water and get gradually relaxed from the symptoms.

We must include below mentioned 22 high-fiber foods in our diet which are good for health and good for a human being.

What are good high fiber foods to eat

Below mentioned foods are high fiber foods



It is highly nutritious as it contains beneficial plant compounds. It promotes gut health. It contains anti-inflammatory properties. So lower the risk of cancer and also lower the risk of diabetes. It is good for the heart and maintains cardiac health. It makes our stool bulk makes it pass through the intestine smoothly and help to get rid of constipation. Approximately 200 gm weight fruit contains 8 gm fiber.


This fruit is tasty and high in fiber. Approximately 2.5  gm fiber per 100 gm apples.


This fruit contains carbohydrates, fats, Vit. C, potassium, magnesium,  vitamin E, and B. Approximately 6.5 gm fiber per 100 gm food.


It contains vitamin  C, manganese.,  Approximately 6.5 gm fiber per 100 gm raspberries.



It is tasty and nutritious and contains vitamins C, Vit. B6, potassium. Unripe banana contains starch, which is a type of indigestible carbohydrates and functions like fiber. It contains fiber of 2.5 gm per 100 gm.


It is a root vegetable. Full of folate, iron, copper, manganese, potassium. Fiber 3 gm per 100 gm.


It is a root vegetable, very tasty. Full of  vit.K, B6,magnesium, beta carotene. Fiber 2.9 gm per 100 gm carrots.


It is nutritious. Fiber 10.8 gm per 200 gm.



It is a vegetable. Full of nutritious such as vitamin C, K, B, folate, antioxidants, potassium and iron,  Fiber 5.2 gm in 200 gm.

Brussels sprouts

It is a vegetable. Full of nutrients such as vitamin K, folate, potassium, antioxidants useful against cancer, fiber 7.5 gm per 200gm.


It is nutritious food, high in protein. Fiber 14.5 gm per 200 gm.

Kidney beans

It is full of nutrients and proteins. Fiber 13.5 gm per 200 gm.

Split peas

•	Split peas

It is made from peeled peas. Fiber 16.5 gm per 200 gm.


It is a type of legume, contains minerals and proteins. Fiber 15 gm per 200 gm.


It is full of nutrients such as protein, magnesium, iron, zinc, antioxidants, and fiber 6 gm per 200 gm.


It is a grain food high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Fiber  20 gm in per 200 gm.



It is the best snack and is full of fiber and calories. It contains  29 gm fiber per 200 gm.


It is a tree nut, full of fibers such as fats, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium 27 gm fiber  per 200 gm

Chia seeds

It is a black seed, nutritious, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and fiber. 69 gm fiber per 200 gm.

Sweet potato

It is very delicious and has a sweet flavor.  Full of nutrients such as beta carotene, vitamin B, and minerals. Fiber 5 gm per 200 gm.

Dark chocolate

It is one of the most delicious foods in the world.  Full of nutrients and anti-oxidants. Fiber22 gm per 200 gm



It is delicious and eaten fresh. It contains vitamin C, manganese, and other antioxidants. Contains approximately 2 gm fiber per 100 gm.  

What is keto high-fiber food?

The ketogenic diet is a high fat, adequate-protein, low carbohydrates diet that is used in medicine, mainly to treat epilepsy in children. This diet forces our body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.

These foods  are includes,All green leafy  vegetables.

  1. cucumber
  2. Lettuce
  3. Bok choy
  4. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc.
  5. Celery
  6. Artichoke
  7. Zucchini

It is important, promotes weight loss, maintains blood pressure, maintains sugar level, make the stool bulk, and fight constipation.  We must include some of the above foods in our meal chart.


Q. What is dietary fiber?

Ans. It is an edible part of plants that can not be digested and absorb in the human small intestine, passes to the large intestine, and feed the good bacteria in the gut.     

Q. What includes dietary fiber?

Ans. It includes polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, lignin, and plant substances.

Q. What is the source of dietary fibers?

Ans. Good sources of dietary fibers are oatmeal, beans, nuts, fruits such as apple, pears, etc.

Q. Does dietary fiber pop up?

Ans. Soluble fiber slows the rate of digestion and helps absorb nutrients from food.  Insoluble fiber draws water into and adds bulk to your stool, helping the stool pass quickly through the intestine.

Q. I am eating a lot of fiber still have constipation? 

Ans. Too much fiber, i.e. more than 70 gm in food cause bloating, fermentation and constipation. We can relieve it by taking fluid intake, exercise and change the dietary compositions.

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